Building the case for the development of sport friendly pools can take a significant amount of time requiring many dedicated individuals who must gather information, develop a plan, keep the issue on the radar screen and continually look for opportunities. It must be noted that most sports would follow a similar process to gain the infrastructure needed to support their sport of choice. The difference is that pools generally cost more to construct and operate and as a result there is a significant consideration given. The Aquatic Sport Council has provided an invaluable resource in the development of this guide for those interested in aquatic sport development (or any sport development for that matter) to better navigate the required facility development and approval processes. The decision makers will need to consider many other dynamics and pressures within the community that cannot possibly be captured in this document. The working group must anticipate these scenarios and be flexible in developing timely and meaningful options. Having an evidenced based and thoughtful plan in place will attract consideration and resources over time.